Fitness, Life, Parenting, People

Mommy and Me Yoga Poses

Our kids just want to spend time with us.  They want to come to work with us, join our date nights, and help with errands.  In my household, I am always doing yoga, so therefore my kids want to do yoga with me all the time! Teaching our kids yoga can provide them with so… Continue reading Mommy and Me Yoga Poses

Fitness, Quotes

How To Do A Sun Salutation

So what exactly is a Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)?  There are several variations, but in general a sun salutation is a series of poses that flow continuously with your breath, and are often performed in the beginning of vinyasa yoga classes to warm up the body.  The most common sun salutation A consists of 8 main poses:… Continue reading How To Do A Sun Salutation